My serger crochet ring – Google translate vertion

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It’s no secret that I LOVE my Pfaff amdire air overlocker and that I love being an ambassador for it. It was therefore natural that I wanted to try to use it in smart ways in my outfit for this year’s recently concluded Creative Days in Fredericia.
In addition to (of course) edged all my clothes with pink 😉  overlocked edges, I’ve been experimenting with making “overlock crocheted” jewelry in the form of rings and earrings (which ended up in the hair) in an exciting ombre color gradient .

OK, I know it looks like a whole Egon Olsen (danish conartist) list of what I need and my dad probably thinks I’m a bit crazy too when I asked if he had any old stiff fishing line, but it’s nevertheless an essential part of my list of materials, along with leftover water-soluble fleece cut into 2 cm wide strips and a lot of embroidery thread in the colors I want to be included in my ombre effect

I started by setting the overlocker to a narrow 3-thread overlock with 1 needle thread and 2 threads in each hook – my embroidery threads have “feet” so they can stand on the table behind the overlocker

Here you can see the 2X2 threads shot down into each looper hole

I started with the darkest colors first and slowly worked my way towards pink, changing one or two threads for each round

Right from the start, I had installed the cording foot A from the Embellishment feet set – it must be used on the last round.
I started by making a ring from a 15 cm long strip of fleece and sewed all the way around

After the first round, I carefully changed one under-looper thread to a slightly lighter color – I simply cut the thread I wanted to switch off, tied the new thread in and carefully pulled the thread through until the knot was out through the looper eye. That way, I could continuously change one thread at a time without completely re-threading

For each round I changed the stitch length and differential a little bit. Not much but it had much bearing on the final result

After 6 or 7 rounds, my “crocheted” piece was wide enough – I kept trying to get the needle to go down just inside the edge of the previous round – sometimes with better luck than others, but rather too far in than so far out that there were holes between the rounds, because the holes must be sewn together before the fleece can be rinsed out.
Before the last round, I pulled the heavy fishing line into the eye of the cording foot – and pulled a long tail of line out on the other side

and pulled the chain finger to R, so I now got an ultra narrow 3-thread overlock

With the line attached I ran another round and overlapped the starting point by an inch before pulling the work out of the machine, leaving a long tale of fishing line and wove in the ends of the thread into the “knit”

I repeated the whole process so that now I had two almost identical “earrings”

There was still a bit of fiddly work before the finished result can be enjoyed, starting with sewing some kind of gathering thread in the innermost round so I could pull the entire center together, then I inserted a large creole earring in each center and now the really fun process of shaping the earrings began. First I rinsed away just enough fleece so that there were no more lumps and then I carefully began to pull the outermost overlocked stitch over the fishing line so that hills and valleys slowly began to form

Here you can see an earring after I have pulled the edge and an earring that I haven’t done anything to yet

Now the earrings should be allowed to hang to dry, so that the ends of the fishing line could be cut off and they were ready for use

As I said, the earrings ended up as hair ornaments, but they were no worse for that 😉

The best overlock greetings 😀


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